Security at Athreon

Because we take strong and proven administrative, physical, and technical precautions, thousands of users trust their data to Athreon.

Our Commitment to Keeping You Safe

We understand there is an inherent risk in outsourcing your critical business processes and data. A breach can damage client confidence, result in fines and penalties, lost revenue, and worse. We take our responsibility seriously to protect the data you entrust to us. So, we have implemented vigorous administrative, physical, and technical controls to demonstrate our commitment to keeping your data safe. Everything we do begins with ensuring security.

Security Measures Include

  • Encryption at Rest
  • Encryption in Motion
  • Multifactor Authentication
  • Role-Based Access
  • Logging, Monitoring & Auditing
  • Employee Background Checks
  • Intrusion Monitoring & Prevention

Application Security

By design, all Athreon applications we develop or use are highly secure. Every product change or enhancement we make is subject to stringent reviews to protect client data. From beginning to end, our software development cycle puts security first.

Data Security

Our infrastructure ensures that client data is kept logically separated. We provide encryption at rest and in motion, and we back up data at regular intervals. Likewise, we retain data per Athreon’s data retention policy or the client’s requirement.


Athreon’s disaster recovery and business continuity initiatives ensure that clients have consistent access to our technology and services. We use collocated data centers to minimize service interruptions. If one data center goes offline, the backup intervenes.

Operational Security

Our robust logging and system monitoring ensure secure traffic through our infrastructure. We use human and technical monitoring to detect and prevent unauthorized access. Certified third-party scanning tools help us manage system vulnerabilities.

Compliance Certifications

As applicable, Athreon or its partners’ technologies and services comply with various security best practices and standard-setting bodies. These compliances help demonstrate our commitment to best practices to protect data.

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